Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008, Year In Review

2008 was kind of a hard year for me emotionally. My baby learned how to feed himself, how to walk, how to talk and is becoming every increasingly more independent. He had a huge milestone birthday of turning ONE, which was exciting, but kind of sad at the same time. I know that I probably will never have another baby and I'm good with that, but knowing Taylor is doing all the firsts for the last time is a little bittersweet. I am proud that I'm raising him to be an independent little man, but I'm always glad when he still needs me to cuddle him. :)

My big girl turned FOUR! It doesn't even seem possible that four years have passed since I became a mom. It has gone in a whirlwind. And Taylor's got nothin' on Kami in the independence department! And stubborn! Yowza!! But she is also funny and brilliant and incredibly imaginative, so I wouldn't change a thing about her. She has learned how to draw people this year, to recognize a few letters of the alphabet and recognize numbers 1-9. And she has become an even better big sister than before. She is Taylor's mini-mama. :)

Tim and I celebrated 9 years together as a married couple and on 12-28 was the 10th anniversary of our engagement. Also, we both turned 30!

Kami and Taylor got to meet their great-grandmother and great-uncle and aunt in a trip to Oklahoma in April. That was a highlight in all our lives. Kami still talks about going to see them and getting to ride my uncle's horse, Daisy. :) My uncle also gave her one of his cowboy hats and that meant more than any other gift he could have given her. I hoping to take them back in the spring so we can visit with them again.

We welcomed some new friends to our group, Jack and Lyla were born into this crazy world in 2008 and I have very much enjoyed them! Jack is starting to really develop into his own person and it is so fun to watch! Both of my kids love him and we are all excited to get to play with him lots more in the spring semester. Lyla is a beautiful, smiley little thing and I hope she continues to blossom more each time I see her.

2008 was also a year of tragedy. Some very dear friends lost their baby in July. My heart still aches for them. In November, my cousin was killed in a drunk driving accident and her death still affects my daily life. I struggle to deal with the sadness of loss.

My friends and I began a new Bible study this year and it has been one of the highlights of the year for me. I have gotten into God's Word more deeply than I would have on my own and the study has given me new insights into passages I have read many times. The group has also given me the kind of close friends I need and have needed for a long time. We don't always agree on everything, but I know we can talk about anything and still be friends. It's also good to have a group of friends who I can call on if I need them and to know they will be there.

Speaking of friends, in August I got to go to Dallas to meet some of my internet friends! It was wonderful getting to hug their necks in real life!! We have "known" each other since before Kami was born and communicate almost daily, but there's something about seeing each other in person that solidifies a friendship.

And 2008 has also been the year of Facebook! Woot! I have been able to reconnect with so many people!! It is amazing, really. So many relatives, high school and college classmates and people from AIM are on FB! I love seeing pictures of people's lives and just getting to know them again.

So 2008 was a good year, but also very emotional and I look forward to 2009. More on that in the coming days. ;) Happy New Year everyone!!


mandal said...

Happy New Year!! I know...our babies are growing up too fast:)

larapete said...

Aw! You included Jack in your post! I'm flattered that we were important enough for you to think to write about! :) I'm excited about the spring semester too!! :)