Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hello, my friends out in blogland! It's been awhile so I have some random things to tell you about. :)

First, a very odd thing about Taylor. He was never a pacifier baby. I tried and tried to make him one, but he just didn't want that fake thing. He wanted his mama! So fast forward to 3 days ago. He has been sick (I'll get to that in a minute) and he is cutting molars so I'm guessing that's why he asked for a paci at nap time. It was just sooooo random!! I only kept one paci b/c a special friend bought it for him and it is Texas Tech. :D So being the crazy mom I am, I gave him the paci. That was a mistake, obviously, but I was so tired of the crying and fussing that if a paci made him stop, I was ready to give it to him. And ya know what? It worked! He stopped crying and he went to sleep. He asked for it the next day at nap time, too, and I gave it to him b/c he was still sick, but I cut him off yesterday. He seemed ok with it b/c he was feeling better, so hopefully we are over that. I wonder if after he goes to preschool that he'll ask for it again. I guess I'll know after Tuesday! ;)

And, yes, we have been sick again! ARGH! I'm ready for summer already! I'm tired of being cooped up indoors and when the weather is nice, we are sick and can't go out. It's starting to drive me batty, I tell ya! But I am hoping Tim and I are on the last couple of days of our colds b/c Taylor seems to be completely well. He had the tummy bug for a few days and then got RSV and an ear infection. He passed the RSV around so that has been tons of fun. Kami got a very, very light cold, but otherwise she has been good through the whole ordeal.

I am making a real effort to get back on the health kick. I lost like 25 lbs, but I gained some back over the last few months. I'm not willing to be this unhealthy, so I'm making some changes. Moving more, eating less, drinking more water. There's no quick fix, but hopefully over the next few months I'll be back in my skinny jeans and be able to buy some new skinny jeans. :)

I posted some new pics on Facebook so pop over and take a look when you get a chance. I am particularly fond of the faucet pics and the spaghetti sauce face. :)

Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

larapete said...

The pacifier bit is random! I would never have thought that could happen...